Exploring Contemporary Dating Trends: What's New in the World of Relationships?

dating trends

As the world continues to evolve and change, so does the dating scene. With the rise of technology and the impact of social media, new dating trends have emerged that reflect the desires and lifestyles of modern daters. From infla-dating to guard railing to dry dating, these trends offer new ways to navigate the dating world and connect with others.

Here are some of the latest dating trends and what they mean for those looking for love:

1. Infla-dating

If you expect to be lavishly wined and dined when dating, then infla-dating will be a disappointing trend for you. Infla-dating is the idea of keeping rising inflation and the rising cost of living top of mind and opting to date more economically.

According to the dating app Plenty of Fish, 48% of single millennials and Gen Zers suggested going on more budget-friendly dates in a survey of 8,000. These dates could mean walks in the park. Coffee, instead of a drink. Netflix and chill?!

Only you can decide what dating experience you are comfortable partaking in. However, it’s important to remember that a cheap date should not mean a low effort.

2. Open Casting

Given the difficulty of finding your ideal match, open-casting dating is moving away from the traditional type and being more receptive to potential partners different from what you typically gravitate towards.

According to the Bumble App, 1 in 3 (38%) people are now more open to who they consider dating beyond their ‘type’, and 1 in 4 (28%) people place less emphasis on dating people that others ‘expect’ them to.

I love this trend.

Being open to people you don’t ordinarily consider will open a whole new world for you and could be the move to take you out of the dating pool and into a new relationship altogether.

3. Wanderlove

The pandemic changed how we work, and now more countries offer a digital nomad visa than ever before, making it possible and easier to work in a different city. As a result, more people are open to traveling for love and the possibility of more options. According to a Seeking study, 39% of people are receptive to traveling to find love.

I love to travel, so this trend appeals to me. If you are using dating apps, you adjust the location to take a gander.

4. Dry Dating

Dating without alcohol. That is precisely what the namesake says. More people are exploring their relationship with sobriety and, as a result, are a lot more open to going on dates without alcohol involved.

While it may seem daunting, there are plenty of ways to have fun and connect with your date without relying on a drink. One of the benefits of dry dating is that it allows you to focus on getting to know your date and build a deeper, more authentic connection. Instead of relying on alcohol to break the ice or loosen inhibitions, start the conversation with some thought-provoking questions.

5. Guard Railing

The one dating trend that I was doing without knowing. Guard railing is being very intentional about who you spend your time with. With a growing interest in prioritizing self-care, guard railing is about boundaries and ensuring our emotional needs are met.

Opening yourself up to meet new people can be taxing at times. Instead of overextending themselves and running from date to date, guard rail daters listen to their bodies and are attentive to their emotional and mental needs. This is a healthy trend that can prime you to attract better matches.

After all, you want to select a prospective partner when you feel your best and are mentally well-rested and rejuvenated, not when you are fraught with burnout.

Are you open to any of these?

Ready to supercharge your dating life? Click here for a treasure trove of resources to enhance your dating skills, boost your confidence, and find the love you deserve.


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