The Ultimate Bad Date Survival Guide: How To Come Out On Top

a woman with a post-it that with a huge x

We've all been there—anticipating a promising evening with a potential romantic interest, only to find ourselves trapped in the depths of a disastrous date. Whether it's the awkward silence, the cringe-worthy conversation, or the unsettling feeling that this is not the person you hoped for, bad dates can be excruciatingly uncomfortable. But fear not, for you're not alone in this dating debacle.

In the unpredictable world of dating, where every swipe, message, or blind setup can lead to unforeseen encounters, it's almost a rite of passage to experience at least one bad date. The key, however, is not just to survive it but to emerge from the ordeal with valuable lessons, a sense of humor, and perhaps even a great story to share with friends.

Allow me to arm you with the essential tips and strategies to navigate those treacherous waters of a bad date. Not only can you survive the night, but you can turn it into an opportunity for growth and self-discovery. So, whether you're a seasoned dater or new to the world of romance, let’s dive into the secrets to enduring and thriving in the face of a bad date.


If you are feeling too nervous, opt for a coffee date for a more casual encounter. It’s low stakes and before you can spiral into a puddle of anxiety, you can easily bid your date a quick "ta-ta".


There is no excuse for a date that is obnoxious and rude. Just leave. No explanation necessary.

Not vibing?

You and your date are not on the same wavelength? Endure the date, maintain your composure and leave politely. If your date asks for an extension, say an after meal drink, you can always politely say no.

Accidentally put your foot in your mouth?

If you unintentionally insult your date, simply apologize then move on. If your insult is not that severe, your date might just forgive and forget.

How to move on?

1. Don't punish yourself for a date that went horrible. Save it somewhere in your mind that is remote. Or better yet, commend yourself for being able to go through it. Learn from your mistakes. It takes a lot of courage to repeatedly put yourself out there in hopes of finding a person you genuinely connect with so please give yourself grace.

2. Share the details with a friend. This way you can treat it as more of a laugh as opposed to something to continuously obsess over.

3. Get occupied with other activities so you can forgive yourself and forget about the bad date.

4. Honesty and kindness are a good combination when it comes to turning down a bad date. My go to rejection line is, “I don’t think we are a good fit. I wish you all the best and hope you find what you are looking for”. This communicates what you want without being cruel.

5. Now, if you think that the person still deserves a second chance, by all means, give him or her the second try. You can always laugh the bad date incident away when you are more comfortable with each other.

Share what your best bad date survival tip.


Ladies, Stop Shooting Your Shot!


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