Stop Faking Orgasms: It’s Not Fair to the Rest of Us!

In college, I was enamored with a beautiful man. I was a junior, while he was a senior. He was gorgeous. 6’4”, with a glowing honey skin hue. He had short dark hair. He was ripped, chiseled, and perfectly sculpted to the Gods. An Adonis, by anyone’s account, with brown piercing eyes. One glance and my nether regions started to quiver, EVERY-SINGLE-TIME! He was breathtaking.

We crossed paths from time to time, but ran in different circles and were never formerly introduced. Hence, it was a pleasant surprise one evening when he made his way over to chat with me at the local bar. I loved looking at his moist lips while we chatted. I imagined him doing all sorts of nasty things to me with his tongue. A little bit of liquid courage led us down the path of sex ‘shit talking’. Earlier in the conversation, I had expressed that I would be traveling abroad next semester. He playfully teased that if we hooked up now, I wouldn’t want to leave. He went on to say that I would be so ‘dickmatized’, that I would choose staying on campus to hook up with him, rather than expand my horizons overseas. My interest piqued, I became focused on receiving the joyride that he was pretty much guaranteeing.

To my grave disappointment, he was little. So little, in fact, that his itty bitty penis would slip out while we were trying to have sex doggy style. We changed positions. I was determined to redeem the explosive experience that he promised at the bar. I wanted to receive the maximum pleasure my body would allow, at the hands of this perfect man.

Upon recalibrating, I received more of the same subpar performance. Limp, short dick action. Even his head game suffered. He lacked commitment and he quickly darted his tongue in and out like he was trying to prevent his tongue from getting stuck in a trap. I was so annoyed. Angry in fact. I wanted to return this model of man back to the bar and select another one for my one night stand consumption. Our tryst ended with him cumming on his bed from rubbing his dick on my leg. I immediately jumped up. Freed myself from his post-coital grip, grabbed my dress and got out of there. I lived on the other side of campus. He offered to walk me. I told him, he was too kind, but I would be ok. I would rather deal with whatever came in the middle of the night, than continue to entertain this micropenis with weak dick game,one second longer. Actually, did this man just fuck my leg? Yep, he did! I tore through the campus with my dress not completely on. I was upset. Angry. Disappointed. It simply did not compute for me that a man this beautiful, simply could not perform.

In hindsight, what angered me the most, was that despite his poor performance, I didn’t have the heart to tell him that this was not working for me. I should have. I should have stopped him.

Because of women like me, this man had the audacity to brag in a bar about how good he was.

In fact, he was so confident in his non-existent skills, that he thought I would be addicted to him sexually??? SMH!

This is simply not right. In fact, I have had no shortage of disappointing sexual partners. A jack rabbit dick. Left me with a sprained neck covered in hickies, no less. The man who really thinks he put in work. Think “Waiting to Exhale” the sex scene with Whitney Houston. Essentially, a man who thinks he is making a huge impact, meanwhile, you can’t feel much. The man who has no idea what foreplay is. Or no idea of how to kiss. The one who slobbers your entire face like a dog. The list goes on.

Stop encouraging these folks. It gives them false confidence and prevents them from trying to improve their game. You unleash a delusional man into the dating pool who is terrible in bed. I’m not at all suggesting you need to be cruel. Maybe you want to lead with positive reinforcement before you drop down gavel. Sweetly delivered constructive criticism, never killed anyone. However, you choose to express it, just make sure you do. You have the power to impact both someone’s future sexual experience and performance. Each one, teach one!

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