This Is How Long It Takes to Know Someone Is “The One”

I am so very passionate about love and relationships. I’ve always been comfortable being single, however, I also greatly enjoy being a part of a loving and healthy relationship. Far too often we waste our time with people and situations that are going nowhere fast simply because we are not crystal clear with our goals or are not honest about our situation.

How Long Does It Take to Find the One

Turns out it doesn’t take that long to ascertain that you are dating the one.

Studies have determined that it takes roughly six months to uncover whether or not you are dating the one. After 3 months, the honeymoon phase wears off and you can see what you are truly working with and whether or not it works for you.

If you are commitment-oriented and marriage-minded, stop allowing people to waste your time. I don’t have years and years of my life to give someone who either doesn’t know that they want to commit or won’t commit.

Signs You May Have Found “The One”

Common goals and values.

You’ll see eye to eye on the major components that will shape your life as a couple in the future.

You are very comfortable around “the one”.

You’ll feel a sense of effortless ease in that person’s presence. In short, it feels natural to be with this person and together you find a rhythm that works for both of you.

You prioritize your partner.

You place your potential partner in your future and start using “we”. They reciprocate this sentiment.


You can adjust and compromise to accommodate your significant other. You navigate conflict respectfully and efficiently. Together.

Let friends and family in.

You want to share with the people closest to you. When we aren’t sure about someone or know with certainty that a partner lacks long-term potential, we tend to hide them from our friends and family.

We know our loved ones will give us honest feedback about who we are dating. They love and care about us and want what’s best for us.

Secure about your connection.

You are not codependent and still value your individuality. When you love someone and are secure in the relationship, you can respect their boundaries and don’t feel the need to merge into one person. You cherish your time together, but you also enjoy a healthy social life apart.


You’ll be able to trust “the one”. Not only with loyalty and honesty, but you’ll be able to let your guard down and trust that you can be your genuine self around this person.

Quality Time Together.

You enjoy this person’s company and you both look forward to spending uninterrupted quality time together that strengthens your bond.


You are not trying to change the person and accept them for who they are in the present versus who they have the potential to become in the future or after you do a little tweaking to their personality.


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