The One THing You Should Know About Men

For the life of me, I’ll never understand why people avoid dealing with reality. Why do they waste time convincing themselves of something that there is no evidence of? I can’t process why women would rather sit down with a friend who is equally as clueless as themselves, to make them feel better about the harsh reality of what they already know deep down inside.

Men are simple and you don’t need a psychic or a group therapy session to establish whether or not they like you. It’s so painfully obvious when they don’t like you, that you avoid accepting it. Instead, you try to analyze their behavior and make excuses for inconsistency. It’s simple. If he isn’t showing up for you, he isn’t that into you. Men show up for women that they like.

If you don’t hear from him regularly, he doesn’t like you like that. If he isn’t making plans with you consistently, and following through on said plans, he isn’t that into you.

Recently, Shannon Sharpe, a retired football player and sports commentator, just shared that he paid for a woman’s divorce. He thought she was the one! The average man is not in the financial position to do this, but the takeaway is that this is how far a man will go who is truly interested in you and please don’t let these beta men on these misogynistic podcasts convince you differently.
Men pursue and remain present for women that they like, are interested in, and want to get to know better.

What if you are off and on with your man? Honey, please understand that when he is off with you, he is on with someone else. This still leads me back to the same place. Men remain present for women that they are truly interested in. If you are confused, he doesn’t like you like that. When a man wants you, he is clear and as a result, you are clear about him and his intentions. Anything else, he doesn’t like you like that.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but as a relationship and sex writer, too often people reach out for advice on their situationships and relationships despite the answer being right in front of them.

Let’s say you are reading this and you start to realize that the man you have been dealing with just doesn’t like you like that, as evidenced by his behavior and lack of consistency. Don’t worry. It happens to the best of us. Just move on as quickly as you can and take solace in knowing that you deserve better and you will find better.

Ready to supercharge your dating life? Click here for a treasure trove of resources to enhance your dating skills, boost your confidence, and find the love you deserve.


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